Crack and Cocaine 'We were talking briefly about cocaine. Anything that makes you paranoid and impotent, give me more of that!' Along with heroin, crack cocaine is often viewed as one of the two 'demon' drugs, yet cocaine is so widely used, it has not only become all but socially acceptable, but traces of it can be found everywhere, from your local pub to the Palace of Westminster. Nevertheless, just because one of them is chopped out on the table at middle class dinner parties, doesn't mean it isn't illegal or dangerous . . . . . What is the difference between crack and cocaine? What are the risks of using cocaine with alcohol? Why can heavy cocaine use with alcohol lead to a problem with alcohol? Crack and cocaine can often be a gateway into the use of other substances. Why? A brief history of cocaine use How are these drugs taken, and what are the risks associated with the various routes of administration? Why is injecting either of these drugs particularly dangerous? What are the other common substances taken with cocaine? What are the physical and mental health problems associated with using these drugs? What other risky behaviours are often a result of cocaine use? What are the withdrawal symptoms associated with these drugs? How can be support people who struggle with their use of these substances/ Our own research shows that crack and cocaine, along with alcohol, heroin and cannabis are the most widely used mind altering substances. Like all substances, they have their own specific health risks and behaviours, and this workshop will help you to learn more about both. Manage Cookie Preferences