Head of Finance and Central Operations

I think we all have something in common when it comes to our unusual life journeys, far away from the mainstream, less boring and truly not what our parents had in mind when we were tiny and cute.

In my teens I went to a Gymnasium in Germany, but since I was always a bit more adventurous than my peers I started hanging out with the ‘wrong people’ and as a result, became pregnant within a very young age. Looking back, it was the best thing what could have happened to me. Simply because I had to change and figure out how I can manage our life and future. After a little break I finished school, included sport activitities and a healthy diet to my daily routines and focussed on what really matters to me: My wonderful child. I sometimes wonder if I'd have such a lovely, caring, inspiring and smart daughter, if things would have gone down the 'normal' path.

Before we had the opportunity to move to London in 2016, I was part of an amazing team for over seven years at a Volksbank in Germany. I enjoyed combining my organisational and financial skills with my passion to work closely with people from all different backgrounds over the years. In addition to my full-time role I have studied at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. An unforgettable time with a brilliant bunch of human beings! 

During my first years in London I decided to change my career path and started volunteering for Greenpeace and Save the Children and later, for Build on Belief (BoB). I was looking for a meaningful job I could share my values with and within BoB I found exactly that! Being in the services, talking to service users and volunteers, listen to their stories and telling mine, let me realise, how much it means and feels, if you can just be yourself without any (pre-)judgement.  

In 2019 I started my full-time job at BoB, first to support our CEO and later on, when I became the Organisation and Business Development Manager, I invented BoB's 7-days-a-week 'Online Programme', trained and supported our staff team through the processes and developed BoB's services. My current job role is the Head of Finance and Central Operations which - I reckon - is where my skillset lies. Bringing my financial and organisational background and my people skills to BoB, speaking two languages, living abroad, understanding culture differences and having the opportunity to work in such an environment, was exactly what I was looking for and needed for my own development.  

The work we do, gives us a real purpose, matters, keeps us granted, grateful and puts our lives in perspectives.

It’s a very unique experience to be a part of our BoB family. 😊

Contact Details

Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 07597 046433