Epigenetics and addictions 'Interdependence is and ought to be as much the ideal of man as self-sufficiency. Man is a social being.' At Build on Belief we like the occasional curve ball, and here's one in our training package. For many years, when it comes to the subject of child-rearing, there has been a debate around nature vs nurture. What are we born with, and what are we taught, and how does this play a part in the person we eventually become? When you look at some of the root causes behind addiction the same debate is possible. Are we genetically wired for our addictions? Does wider society play a part, and if so what? If our upbringing, place in society and social networks play a part in our addiction, can they play a part in our recovery, and if so, what? How did we evolve as human beings? What is the essence of a tribe? Do we still have tribes, and if so, what do they look like? What part does stress and other epigenetic changes play in our overall well-being? What is BDNF and why is it important? How do we raise BDNF levels? What is the cycle of addiction and how can it be changed? Why are the five ways to well-being so important to this discussion? This workshop seeks to understand why the Build on Belief model of creating therapeutic spaces without any therapeutic interventions, relying instead on social interaction and activity, allows so many people to deal with their substance use problems in their own fashion and begin to improve their overall quality of life. Are there some essential components to being a happy and functional human being that everyone requires? If so, how do we achieve them? Manage Cookie Preferences