Build on Belief specialises in designing, implementing and running weekend services for people who are struggling with, or are in recovery from their substance use; namely drugs and alcohol. Although some of our projects run across the week, we always work at the weekend. We see ourselves as providing a new and interactive form of mutual aid. Rather than talk about the past, let's get together and build a new future.
These services are open access and offer a wide range of activities loosely based around 'the five ways to well-being.' The various Build on Belief projects do not offer therapeutic interventions, but are socially based befriending services designed to complement the existing structured treatment system. We are strong believers in partnership working, and aim to add a new layer to existing services wherever we work. Most importantly, we do not follow any model of addiction or recovery, believing all to be equally valid and a personal choice.
Weekends can be a difficult and lonely time in early recovery, especially since traditional treatment providers are usually closed. The experience of addiction often isolates people from family and non-using friends, and one of the greatest challenges in moving forward with your life is making new friends and building a safe support network. Our social clubs with their wide range of activities and friendly volunteer teams, most of whom are in recovery themselves, provide a safe place to take these important steps back into the wider world of normal living.
We understand that for many people addiction is an all consuming experience, and ceasing your substance use can leave a large void in the day to fill. It is therefore really important in early recovery to find new interests. Build on Belief offers a wide range of activities in an open minded and friendly environment, supporting people and giving them the confidence to try something new. People accessing our services often find a sense of belonging that not only gives them hope, but reminds them of family. We have always seen ourselves as a family for people without a family.
It's not just the service users who benefit from Build on Belief's various projects, but also the volunteers who run them. All but a very few are in recovery themselves and have battled hard to overcome their own addiction issues. They bring enormous heart, enthusiasm and passion to their respective roles, and many find their lives transformed as a result. For many it is a huge step in their own journey of recovery; offering a sense of purpose; a means to give something back; a huge boost to self-esteem and an opportunity to learn new skills and take on responsibilities, all happening in a place where they know in their bones they truly belong.
Whether service user or volunteer, Build on Belief provides safe and non-judgemental spaces where people who are often vulnerable and isolated can re-discover themselves and start to make positive changes on their way to a better future. Recovery can be tough, and we provide a place where we can get through it together.
Unlike most services, there is no time limit for how often, or how long you can access your local Build on Belief project. Join us as often as you want, and for as long as you want. If we can help you reach and maintain your recovery and improve your quality of life, we will consider it a job well done.
Recovery should be a time of optimism and opportunity, a chance to finally live the life you have always wanted. With the support, encouragement and experience of the Build on Belief team, we firmly believe that this is possible for anyone who walks through our doors!