'The secret of getting ahead is getting started.'

Feedback is an essential part of running any service, and this report shows in fascinating detail some of the feedback we received regarding service provision in our original projects. With a significant sample size, it was rewarding to discover how valuable the services were to those that used them, with an astonishing 93% agreeing that the service met their needs. 

It is clear on reading the report that we are working with an ageing cohort of clients with a wide range of complex needs, all most all of whom were reliant on state benefits, and a third of whom had been sanctioned in the previous year by the benefits system. 

It was encouraging to see that the services worked well with those from a BAME background, and fascinating to see that an update in vaping had led to a significant decrease in the number of individuals who smoked tobacco! If you are looking for a quick snapshot of what Build on Belief can do, this is the place to start.

The Report