Operations Manager in Sussex

So delighted to join the Bob team and see it as the culmination of a very eclectic personal and professional life journey so far.

I grew up in Southeast London and always looked further afield which is probably why I ended up working on a cruise ship at 21, sailing around various parts of South America and the Caribbean. Remembering waking up one morning as we docked in Rio thinking literally anything is possible. Somehow after this I ended up in a casino in Moscow and worked there for 3 years. This changed my life. I fell pregnant with my daughter, returned to the UK and it dawned on me that I was now a proper adult and therefore needed a proper job. I did my degree and trained to be a teacher in adult education, and this is where I found my place. Loved working with people from every walk of life, tackling every situation but sharing a common goal: They wanted to learn and grow. From 5 years teaching English to refugees and asylum seekers, to a year in a private boarding school to 3 years teaching in prison, it was all about the human spirit and growth. Can’t tell you how proud I am to be part of the BoB story now and to meet you all on your journey. Looking forward to doing something really special in Sussex with my new team.

Contact Details

Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 07745 740171