Lead Manager for the Build on Belief project in Tower Hamlets

Tenacity, that’s a word that resonates strongly with me. It has gotten me to this point.
Hello! My name is Tracey and I have been blessed with a role as Lead Manager at our new hub in Tower Hamlets. A dream come true!

I have had some challenging experiences with mental health which led to an addiction to
alcohol. WDP now VIA in Harrow was that support for me due to my alcohol issues. It was like they said, ‘Hey, we’re here to pick you up’. Through them I found BoB who said, ‘Hello! Come and have a seat!’. I have never looked back.

I started my journey at BoB Harrow as a service user in early 2022 and then was asked if I
would like to become a volunteer in the summer. I was delighted! Someone saw something in me. I won an award for best newcomer in October 2022 and became a Team Leader in April 2023. It was the first time in my life that I have felt like I can both be me and actually like and accept myself. It was also a place where I encountered raw humanity. A very humbling yet rewarding experience.

I believe that at BoB, we all share a common goal, to be accepted and appreciated for who we are. This then leads to connections with others who understand and want the best for us. I don’t think I have ever laughed as much as in the time I have shared with the Bob family. I am the happiest I have been and I hope to share some of that happiness with you on your journey. I look forward to meeting you!

Contact Details

Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 07542 023954